Spring Cleaning for your Outdoors

Spring is here and that means it’s time to dive into some spring cleaning! But we’re not talking about cleaning the grout in the bathroom or flipping your mattresses.  That’s indoor cleaning. Today we’re talking about spring cleaning for your outdoors.

This is the best time of year to get outside and host a get together around the grill or patio so it’s as good a time as any to spruce up your outdoors for summertime entertaining.

Windows – Technically this would be part of indoor cleaning so if you’ve already cleaned the windows – inside and out – you can skip this one. If not, grab some newspaper and get cleaning. Choose a sunny day to clean windows with either a commercial brand such as Windex or make your own cleaner with a mixture of one part vinegar to two parts water. Put mixture into a spray bottle and spray on your windows. Wipe dry with newspaper or paper towel and be sure not to leave any streaks.

Screens – If you can remove screens from the windows take them down and spray with soapy water. Rinse with the garden hose. You’ll be stunned at how much dust and dirt settles into the screens. Let dry in the sunlight and replace in window.

Clean out the Cobwebs – Check under eaves, patio furniture and anyplace where spiders might like to be. Use a soft cloth or brush to collect the webs. You can also use a hand held vacuum and suck them all up.

Grill – A well seasoned grill is a great thing, but there’s a difference between seasoned and grimy. Heat up the grill and scrape the surface to remove any burnt foods like cheese or sauces. After the grill has cooled down remove the grate and wipe down the sides of the interior of the grill with paper towel or newspaper to remove any grease that has collected. Check briquettes for replacement. Don’t forget to clean out any cobwebs in the lid of the grill. While you’re at it, check all propane connections.

Patio Furniture – Scrub down any hard surfaces with warm soap water and rinse with the garden hose. Vacuum cushions and pillows. You can even toss them in the dryer if they need a little freshening. If cushions or pillows have stains use the soapy water to scrub out any stains. If they have removable covers, take them off and launder in the washing machine.

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